This GIS layer provides information about the timing of the conversion of South Bay tidal marshes to salt ponds. Individual present-day salt pond... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
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2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polylines from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken between Oakland a... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polygons from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken between Oakland an... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. Kristen Larned, San Francisco Estuary Institute. This data shows the outline for the names, locations, and extents of former salt ponds in the South Bay that are now part of the South Bay Salt Pon... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polylines from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken in San Leandro. D... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of South Bay tidal marshes. The primary source is the maps of... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of South Bay tidal marshes. The primary source is the maps of t... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.