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2004. Cargill. Alviso Pond Complex Control Structures for the South Bay Salt Pond (SBSP) Restoration Project. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

2. Bay high tide (1998)

Public content
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. High tide information for San Francisco Bay extracted from the San Francisco Estuary Institute Modern Baylands layer. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
For comparison of Chlordanes concentrations in sediment collected from different locations in the Bay Area, data were evaluated from studies that u... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. This GIS layer provides information about the timing of the conversion of South Bay tidal marshes to salt ponds. Individual present-day salt pond... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
This dataset was compiled for the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, to assess the number and type of existing and proposed pond control str... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) Database depicts flood risk information and supporting data used to develop the risk data. The primary... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

8. Flood limit 100 year (2005)

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2005. US Army Corps of Engineers. Data developed to illustrate areas of the South Bay that are within the 100 year flood zone. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

9. Hg MeHg Sediment

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Mercury sediment data. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

10. Historical Baylands arcs

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1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

11. Historical Baylands polygons

Public content
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. The Historical View of the Baylands is a composite picture based upon approximately 1000 independent sources of data. These include eighteenth- and... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Modern Baylands is the companion dataset to the Historic Baylands produced by SFEI. The modern datasets show current conditions (1995-1996) for com... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Modern Baylands is the companion dataset to the Historic Baylands produced by SFEI. The modern datasets show current conditions (1995-1996) for com... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
1998. San Francisco Estuary Institute. Modern Baylands is the companion dataset to the Historic Baylands produced by SFEI. The modern datasets show current conditions (1995-1996) for com... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries). 'CCC_Steelhead_Distribution_06_2005' depicts Steelhead presence as well as habitat type and quality in the Central California Coast Evolutionary Si... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

22. Non-SBSPRP ponds (2007)

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Cargill. Salt ponds in the South Bay that are not a part of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project. . South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. The National Wetland Inventory program, headed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, inventories and classifies current wetland extent across the na... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polylines from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken between Oakland a... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polygons from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken between Oakland an... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
For comparison of PAH concentrations in sediment collected from different locations in the Bay Area, data were evaluated from studies that used sim... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
For comparison of PCB concentrations in sediment collected from different locations in the Bay Area, data were evaluated from studies that used sim... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

29. Pond control strucutres (2005)

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This dataset was compiled by Moffat and Nichol Engineering, Walnut Creek, CA, at the request of the CA Costal Conservancy, for the South Bay Salt P... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

30. Project ponds (2005)

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Cargill. This data shows the names, locations, and extents of former salt ponds in the South Bay that are now part of the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Pr... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

31. Project ponds outline (2005)

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2005. Kristen Larned, San Francisco Estuary Institute. This data shows the outline for the names, locations, and extents of former salt ponds in the South Bay that are now part of the South Bay Salt Pon... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

32. San Leandro USCS Arcs (1855)

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2005. This dataset represents features digitized to polylines from two United States Coast Survey map sheets recorded in 1855 and taken in San Leandro. D... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
For comparison of Selenium concentrations in sediment collected from different locations in the Bay Area, data were evaluated from studies that use... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of So... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Digitized historic tidal channels represented as polylines in Palo Alto. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates ... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Digitzed historic tidal channel polylines at Redwood Point. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sourc... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Digitized historical tidal channels in San Leandro as polylines. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several ... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of So... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Historical tidal channels within Newark, California, derived from SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 Digital data describing the his... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of South ... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Historical tidal marsh within Mountain View, California, derived from SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 Digital data describing the... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Historical tidal marshes in Newark, California, derived from SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 Digital data describing the historic... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of So... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Digitzed historic tidal marsh polygons at Redwood Point. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources ... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. Digitzed historical tidal marshes in San Leandro as polygons. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sou... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SOUTH BAY HISTORICAL TIDAL MARSH GIS, version 2.0 This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of So... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

48. South Bay TSheet

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2004. This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of South Bay tidal marshes. The primary source is the maps of... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

49. South Bay TSheet Line

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2004. This dataset integrates several sources of data describing the historical features of South Bay tidal marshes. The primary source is the maps of t... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.

50. Water contaminants (2001)

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1998. BPTCP. SFEI. This is a subset of data from a study conducted by BPTCP. The original study contained sampling locations ranging from the North to Extreme South S... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.