2007. California Integrated Waste Management Board. File representing state of California solid waste facilities. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
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2007. California Integrated Waste Management Board. File representing state of California solid waste facilities. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2006. California Integrated Waste Management Board. File representing state of California solid waste facilities. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2005. National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries). 'CCC_Steelhead_Distribution_06_2005' depicts Steelhead presence as well as habitat type and quality in the Central California Coast Evolutionary Si... South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
2004. SFEI. Watershed boundaries. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
ABAG. Dataset showing segments of the San Francisco Bay Trail. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
Janet Sowers, William Lettis and Associates, Inc. . The lines in this shapefile represent flood control channels within the Palo Alto and Milpitas Creek Map study areas. . South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
8. Rec sites
EDAW. This dataset was developed to show the location of major recreation sites across the San Francisco Bay Area. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
Landfill locations. South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.